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How to Change Iqama Profession in Saudi Arabia- 3 Methods

Changing your Iqama profession in Saudi Arabia is an important step for your career and daily life in the Kingdom. It’s essential to make sure that your Iqama correctly shows your job, whether you are an expatriate or an employer. In this simple guide, we’ll explain the latest rules and steps for changing your Iqama profession in 2024. We’ll cover the basic requirements, guide you through the process, answer common questions, and provide the most up-to-date information you need.

Understanding the Need for Iqama Profession Change

Your Iqama is your identification and work permit in Saudi Arabia, containing important details like your name, date of birth, expiration date, and most importantly, your profession. Keeping your Iqama updated is not just about following the law; it’s a practical need. If there’s a difference between the profession listed on your Iqama and the job you actually do, it can lead to various problems, including potential legal issues.

Iqama Profession Change- Saudi arabia

For example, if your Iqama says you’re an engineer but you’re working as an accountant, this mismatch could cause complications. To avoid any trouble and ensure a smooth experience in Saudi Arabia, it’s essential to keep your documents accurate, particularly your Iqama.

If your Iqama doesn’t correctly reflect your job, it’s important to take steps to fix it, as we’ll explain in the following sections.

Who Is Eligible to Change Iqama Profession?

To change your Iqama profession, you need to meet certain conditions set by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD). Whether you’re already living in Saudi Arabia or are a new expatriate, there are specific requirements you must fulfill:

Requirements for Expats Already in KSA

If you’re an expatriate already living in Saudi Arabia and want to change your Iqama profession, you need to meet the following requirements:


Registration: You must be registered with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD).

Contract Completion: You should have completed your contract with your previous employer.

One-Year Service: You must have completed at least one year with your previous contractor (the first contractor after arriving in KSA).

Certified Work Contract: You need to have a certified and documented work contract.

New Job Application: You should apply for a new job through the QIWA portal, the Ministry’s platform for new job postings.

Resignation Notice: You must have resigned with the required withdrawal period notice.

Meeting these criteria allows expatriates already in Saudi Arabia to smoothly change their Iqama profession.

Requirements for New Expats in KSA

If you’re a new expatriate in Saudi Arabia and wish to change your Iqama profession, you must meet the following detailed requirements:

Visa Eligibility: You must be able to obtain a visa that complies with Saudi Arabian laws and regulations. This includes ensuring that your visa matches the profession you intend to work in.

Job Application through QIWA: You need to apply for a new job using the QIWA platform, which is the official Ministry of Labor and Social Development portal for job postings. This platform is essential for processing job changes and ensuring that your new profession is correctly registered.

Wage Protection System Compliance: You must agree to the regulations of the Wage Protection System, which is designed to ensure that all workers receive their wages on time and in full. Compliance with this system is necessary to protect your rights as a worker in Saudi Arabia.

Labor Documentation and Digitization Compliance: You need to adhere to the requirements for labor procurement documents, including proper documentation of your employment and compliance with the government’s digitization efforts. This ensures that all your employment records are accurate, up-to-date, and accessible through digital platforms.

Self-Appraisal Program Agreement: You must agree to participate in the self-appraisal program, which involves regularly evaluating your performance and ensuring that it aligns with the expectations of your profession and employer. This program helps maintain professional standards and supports your career development.

These detailed conditions are essential for new expatriates in Saudi Arabia who want to change their Iqama profession, ensuring that the process is smooth and in compliance with the Kingdom’s laws and regulations.

Special Cases Where Expats Can Change Iqama Profession Without Conditions

In certain exceptional circumstances, expatriates in Saudi Arabia can change Iqama profession without needing to meet the usual criteria:

Absence from Work: If an expatriate has been absent from work for 90 continuous days after arriving in Saudi Arabia, they may change their profession without conditions.

Unpaid Salary: If the expatriate has not received their salary for 90 consecutive days, they are eligible to change their Iqama profession without fulfilling the standard requirements.

Employer Absence: If the employer has been absent for 90 consecutive days after bringing the expatriate to Saudi Arabia, the expatriate can change their profession without meeting the typical criteria.

Expired Iqama: If the expatriate’s Iqama has expired, they may proceed with changing their profession without adhering to the standard conditions.

Labor Court Disputes: If the expatriate has a dispute with their employer, and the employer failed to attend the last two hearings in the Labor Court, the expatriate can change their Iqama profession without conditions.

Employer’s Consent: If the employer agrees to release the expatriate, the expatriate can change their profession without needing to meet the standard criteria.

These special cases provide flexibility for expatriates facing difficult situations, allowing them to change their Iqama profession without having to satisfy the usual requirements.

Document Requirements for Changing Iqama Profession

Document Requirements for Changing Iqama Profession

If you’re planning to change your Iqama profession in Saudi Arabia, it’s essential to be aware of the necessary steps and documents required for the process. Below, we’ll provide a brief overview of the main document requirements, with detailed explanations for each step available further in the guide.

Requirements for Changing Iqama Profession

To successfully change your Iqama profession in Saudi Arabia, you must meet the following requirements:


Residing in Saudi Arabia: You must be physically present within the Kingdom.

Attested Degree: You need to have an attested degree that aligns with the profession you wish to switch to.

Fee Payment: A fee of SR 1,000 must be paid for processing the profession change.

Saudi Professional Verification Exam: You must pass the Saudi Professional Verification Exam relevant to your desired profession.

Registration with the Relevant Professional Body: Depending on your new profession, registration with the appropriate professional body is mandatory:

    • Engineering or Technician Professions: Register with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE).

    • Accounting and Auditing: Complete registration with the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA).

    • Health Practitioners: Register through Mumaris Plus.

    • Veterinary Medicine: Register with the Ministry of Agriculture.
    • Work Status: Ensure that your work status is not marked as “Pending service transfer.”
    • Physical Presence: You must be physically present in Saudi Arabia during the profession change process.
    • Switching Between Professional Bodies: If you are moving from one professional body (e.g., SCE) to another (e.g., SOCPA), you must complete the registration process with both professional bodies to ensure a smooth transition between professions.

These requirements must be met to successfully change your Iqama profession, ensuring compliance with Saudi regulations and a seamless process.

Method to Change Iqama Profession Online with QIWA:

Change Iqama Profession Online with QIWA

To change Iqama profession online via QIWA, follow these three steps: First, the employer initiates the process by submitting a request for the profession change through the QIWA platform. Next, the employee reviews and accepts the request. Finally, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) reviews the request and grants approval for the profession change.

Step 1: Employer Requests the Profession Change

Changing your Iqama profession starts with your employer. Here’s what happens:

Employer Assigns a GRO: The employer picks a Government relations officer (GRO) to handle the change.

GRO Logs In: The GRO signs into the QIWA portal, which is used for various government services.

Selects ‘Occupation Change’: The GRO chooses the “occupation change” option from the portal.

Chooses the Employee: The GRO finds the employee who wants to change their profession.

New Profession Selection: The employee picks their new profession.

Fill in Contract Details: The GRO fills out all the details about the employment contract.

Submits the Request: After checking all the details, the GRO submits the request. The QIWA portal will show the status as “Pending,” meaning the request is being processed.

This step is essential for starting the process of changing your Iqama profession and prepares for the next steps.

Step 2: Employee Acceptance

In this step, it’s important for the employee to actively participate in the profession change process. Here’s what the employee needs to do:

Register on the Qiwa Platform: The employee starts by registering on the Qiwa platform, which handles various employment services in Saudi Arabia.

Access Individual Account: The employee should log in to their Individual Account on the Qiwa platform. This is where they’ll see notifications and updates about their profession change request.

Accept the Request: When the employee finds the profession change request notification, they need to click “Accept” to agree to the change.

Wait for Further Steps: After accepting, the employee will need to wait while additional checks are done to ensure everything is in order for the profession change.

This step highlights the employee’s role in agreeing to the profession change. Note that according to HRSD Ministry guidelines, certain professions like doctors, engineers, and specialists do not need the employee’s consent for a profession change.

Step 3: Ministry of Labor (MOL) Approval

After the employer’s request and the employee’s acceptance, the next step is for the Ministry of Labor (MOL) to give final approval. Here’s what happens:

Review by MOL: The MOL checks all the details and documents to ensure everything is correct and meets the requirements.

Track the Status: You can monitor the status of your iqama profession change request on the MOL website or through the Qiwa portal.

This step is crucial for getting the official go-ahead from the MOL for the professional change.

Change Iqama Profession Manually

If the online process isn’t suitable, you can request a manual change of your Iqama profession. Here’s how:

Prepare Documents: You need to gather the following documents:

    • A request letter signed by you, explaining why you need a manual change.

    • A copy of your Iqama.

    • A copy of the company’s commercial registration.

    • The sponsor’s ID.

Submit Documents: Provide these documents to the Government Relations Officer (GRO).

Receive Confirmation: The GRO will get an SMS to confirm that the manual change process has started in the Muqeem system.

Pay the Fee: Pay the required fee for the profession change.

Update Profession: After payment, your employer will officially update your profession.

This manual process ensures that your Iqama profession change is handled correctly when the online method isn’t an option.

Changing Iqama Profession Without a Certificate

You don’t always need a certified degree to change your Iqama profession. Here’s when you can make the change without a certificate:

Non-Technical Professions: If your current profession is non-technical, like labor, you can change it without needing a certificate.

Local Computer Technicians: If you’re a local computer technician, you can switch to a labor profession within 12 months after registering with the Saudi Council of Engineers.

Accountants: Accountants can change their profession to labor after registering with the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA).

These situations allow for a professional change without the need for a certificate.

Is Changing Your Iqama Profession Still Allowed in KSA?

Yes, you can still change your Iqama profession in Saudi Arabia. While the rules may have changed, the option to update your profession remains available. Just make sure you meet the specific conditions and requirements for the change.

Qiwa Error

If you run into errors or problems while changing your profession on Qiwa, don’t worry. It’s a good idea to contact the Ministry of Labor for help and guidance. They can assist you in resolving any issues.

Iqama Profession for Domestic Workers

Domestic workers in Saudi Arabia also have specific rules for changing their Iqama profession. They need to follow the set procedures and meet the required criteria for their profession change.

How to Change Your Iqama Profession: Detailed Requirements

After confirming your eligibility for changing your Iqama profession, here’s a step-by-step guide to follow:

Step 1: How to Get Your Degree Attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Getting your degree attested is important when changing your work permit and Iqama profession. Any mismatch between your degree details and work permit can lead to issues and fines. Make sure your Iqama has the correct information, including your profession.

Here’s what to do:

Check Name Consistency: Ensure that the names on your degree and Iqama match exactly. Even small differences can lead to rejection.

Attest Your Degree: Have your degrees attested by the Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia.

Request Verification Letters:

    • Get a letter from your employer asking the Saudi Cultural Office to verify your educational degrees. This letter should include your name, position, and joining date.

    • Obtain a similar letter from your employer for the Saudi Embassy in your home country.

Send Documents:

    • Send your degrees and letters to the Saudi Cultural Office and the Saudi Embassy. They might ask you to first get the degrees verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in your home country or the Higher Education Commission.

Include Required Documents: Along with your degrees, send a cover letter and copies of your passport, Iqama, visa, and the original degree.

Verification Costs: You can have someone in your home country or an agent handle the degree verification process, usually costing around SR 400.

Step 2: Sign Up with the Right Professional Organizations

Depending on the profession you want to switch to, you might need to register with the relevant professional council in Saudi Arabia. Here’s what you need to know for two common cases:

A: Registering with the Saudi Council of Engineering (For Engineering Jobs)

If you’re changing to an engineering job, follow these steps:

Prepare a PDF File: Include these documents:

    • Copy of your passport

    • Copy of your Iqama

    • Letter of employment

    • Letter of authorization

    • Attested engineering degree

    • Grade sheet

    • Passport-sized photo (200×200 cm)

    • Your resume or CV (original or copy)

Upload Documents: Submit this PDF file on the Saudi Council of Engineering website.

B: Registering with the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA)

If you’re moving to an accounting job, you need to:

Prepare a PDF File: Include these documents:

    • Copy of your passport

    • Copy of your Iqama

    • Letter of employment

    • Letter of authorization

    • Attested accounting degree

    • Grade sheet

    • Passport-sized photo (200×200 cm)

    • Your resume or CV (original or copy)

Submit Documents: Upload this PDF file on the SOCPA website.

Step 3: Paying Fees for Changing Your Iqama Profession

Step 3: Paying Fees for Changing Your Iqama Profession

To change your Iqama profession online, you need to pay a fee of 1000 Saudi Riyals. Usually, your employer covers this fee according to Saudi Labor Law.

You cannot handle the profession change yourself at the “JAWAZAT” (General Directorate of Passports). Your company’s Government Relations Officer (GRO) will handle the process for you.

Requirements: Before you can change your profession in Saudi Arabia, make sure you meet these conditions:

    • You have no criminal charges.

    • You have no unpaid traffic fines.

    • Your Iqama is valid and active.

    • You do not have a “HUROOB” (absconding) status.

    • You have a document of authorization from the Ministry of Labor.

    • Your fees for the Iqama are paid.

    • Your expat sponsor has no unpaid traffic fines.

Checking Your Updated Iqama Profession

After applying for a profession change, you can check if your new Iqama profession has been updated by following these steps:

Visit the MOI “ABSHER” Website: Go to the Ministry of Interior’s Absher website.

Select User Type: Choose “INDIVIDUAL” for personal accounts or “BUSINESS” for company accounts.

Choose Language: Pick your preferred language.

Sign In: Enter your username and password.

Enter Captcha Code: Input the image captcha code and click “Proceed.”

Verify Login: A verification code will be sent to your phone. Enter this code to log in.

Check Profession: Once logged in, look for the “CURRENT PROFESSION” section above the “MORE SERVICES” button to see your updated profession. If you don’t see the change, your request might have been rejected, and you’ll need to address any issues.

Reasons Your Iqama Profession Change Request May Be Rejected

Your request to change your Iqama profession might be rejected for several reasons, including:

    • Your work permit is listed as “Aamil Manzali” (house worker).

    • Your employer has any offenses or violations while you are changing your profession within Saudi Arabia.

    • You have unpaid traffic fines or criminal convictions.

    • There are not enough funds available in your Iqama for the profession change.

    • Issues related to your sponsor’s history, such as violations.

    • You have traffic violation reports or a “HUROOB” (absconding) status.

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Final Words:

Changing your Iqama profession in Saudi Arabia is essential to ensure your residency status aligns with your actual job. To make this process smooth, it’s important to follow the latest rules, understand the requirements, and adhere to the correct procedures. Keeping your Iqama accurate and up-to-date helps you avoid legal issues.

Start by learning about the steps and requirements for changing your Iqama profession. Use this guide to navigate the process efficiently. Work closely with your employer’s Government Relations Officer (GRO) and relevant authorities to ensure a seamless transition. Maintaining a well-updated Iqama not only helps you stay compliant with the law but also supports a successful career in Saudi Arabia. Stay informed about the latest regulations to ensure your professional change goes smoothly.

More Resources: List of Saudi Iqama professions for workers and labors

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best profession to have listed on your Iqama in Saudi Arabia?

The best profession for your Iqama in Saudi Arabia depends on your qualifications, skills, and the type of work you plan to do. Choose a profession that matches your actual job to ensure everything is legal and goes smoothly.

How can a domestic worker change their profession on their Iqama?

If you’re a domestic worker looking to change your Iqama profession, you should follow the general process outlined in this guide. Be sure to meet the specific criteria and requirements for domestic workers as set by Saudi authorities.

Change iqama profession in Saudi arabia

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