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Transfer Lebara Balance to Pakistan, India, and the Philippines


Lebara is a well-known telecom service provider in Saudi Arabia that offers convenient and affordable options for international balance transfers. If you have friends or family in countries like Pakistan, India, or the Philippines, you can easily send them balance from your Lebara account. This detailed guide will walk you through the simple steps to transfer your Lebara balance to Pakistan, India, and the Philippines, ensuring that your loved ones can stay connected without any hassle.

1: Lebara Balance Transfer to Pakistan

Method #1: Transfer Lebara Balance via SMS

To start the process, open your SMS app and type in the recipient’s mobile number, including the country code (e.g., 0092315XXXXXXX for Pakistan). Send this message to Lebara’s international balance transfer code: 310310. You will then receive a reply from 310310 with various transfer options specific to Pakistan. Respond by selecting the option corresponding to the amount you want to send.

Method #1: Transfer Lebara Balance via SMS

Lebara Balance Transfer Rates to Pakistan

  • 100 PAK = 1.34 SAR
  • 200 PAK = 2.69 SAR
  • 500 PAK = 6.72 SAR
  • 1,000 PAK = 13.43 SAR
  • 5,000 PAK = 67.17 SAR

To transfer an amount, reply with the corresponding number of your desired amount.
Example: Reply with “1” to send 100 PAK.
Send your reply to: 310310

Lebara Balance Transfer Rates to Pakistan

Confirm Amount and Receive Confirmation

After choosing the amount for your Lebara balance transfer to Pakistan, you will be prompted to confirm the transaction. Simply reply with 1 to proceed or 0 to cancel, ensuring a secure and accurate transfer.

In just moments, you will receive a confirmation message from Lebara, verifying the successful transfer to Pakistan.

  • Press 1 to confirm
  • Press 0 to cancel

Lebara Balance Transfer reply with 1 and zero

Send your response to: 310310

2: Lebara Balance Transfer to India

Method #1: Transfer Lebara Balance via SMS and Select Amount

To begin, open your messaging app and enter the recipient’s phone number, including the country code (e.g., 009112XXXXXXX for India). Send this message to Lebara’s international transfer code: 310310. Shortly after, you will receive a reply from 310310 with customized options for India. Respond by selecting the option number that matches your desired amount.

Lebara Balance Transfer Rates to India

  • 100 INR = 4.51 SAR
  • 200 INR = 9.02 SAR
  • 500 INR = 22.56 SAR
  • 1,000 INR = 45.13 SAR
  • 5,000 INR = 225.65 SAR

Confirmation and Receipt Process

Once you’ve selected your desired amount for the Lebara balance transfer to India, you will need to confirm the transaction. Respond with 1 to confirm the transfer or 0 to cancel, ensuring a secure and accurate transaction.

Within a few moments, a confirmation message from Lebara will appear on your screen, assuring you that the credit transfer was successful.

3: Lebara Balance Transfer to the Philippines

Method #1: Transfer Lebara Balance via SMS and Select Amount

To start, open your SMS app and enter the recipient’s mobile number, including the country code (e.g., 009632XXXXXXX for the Philippines). Send the message to Lebara’s international balance transfer code: 310310. After sending the SMS, wait for a reply from 310310, which will present you with various options customized for the Philippines. Choose the number that corresponds to the exact amount you wish to transfer. Follow these steps for a simple and efficient Lebara balance transfer to the Philippines.

Lebara Balance Transfer Rates to the Philippines

  • 100 PHP = 6.66 SAR
  • 200 PHP = 13.33 SAR
  • 500 PHP = 33.32 SAR
  • 1,000 PHP = 66.63 SAR
  • 5,000 PHP = 333.16 SAR

Confirm Amount and Receive Confirmation

After selecting the desired amount for your balance transfer, Lebara will prompt you to confirm the transaction. Respond with 1 to proceed or 0 to cancel, ensuring a secure transfer to the Philippines. Within a minute, you will receive a confirmation message from Lebara, verifying the successful receipt of the money sent, ensuring a smooth and secure international credit transfer.

Additional Tips

  1. Exchange Rates
    Remember that exchange rates can fluctuate. Lebara offers various options, allowing you to select the amount that best fits your needs.
  2. Transaction Fee
    Lebara does not explicitly state a transaction fee. After completing your transfer, check your balance to see how much has been deducted.

More Resources:


Can I transfer my Lebara balance to another number?

Yes, you can share your Lebara credit with family or friends. Simply text BUNDLE SHARE*07XXXXXXXXX (replace with the mobile number you want to share credit with) to 38885. To check how much data allowance will be deducted, click here.

How do I transfer my call balance to another number?

To transfer your call balance, dial 121 followed by the recipient’s mobile number (e.g., 05XXXXXXXX) and then the amount in AED, followed by #. Press send, and the amount will be transferred instantly.

How do I shift my balance to a different credit card?

  1. Apply for a special card that allows balance transfers.
  2. Move your balance to the new card.
  3. Wait until the transfer is complete.
  4. Clear off the balance you moved.
  5. Evaluate if transferring your balance is the best option.
  6. Compare different card offers.
  7. Read all the details carefully to avoid any issues.

Is Lebara available everywhere?

Yes, Lebara operates using a unique mobile network model and provides services in various countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, and Australia.

Can I call Pakistan from Lebara?

Yes, Lebara offers various plans that include international calls, providing flexibility in your monthly bill and data allowance. Both Lebara and STC have specific bundles and add-ons for calling countries like Pakistan and Nigeria.

Transfer Lebara Balance to Pakistan, India, and the Philippines

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